What's the best way to end a friendship? Not like this.
Sam - Any gender/age/ethnicity
Alex - Any gender/age/ethnicity
Reese - Any gender/age/ethnicity
Taylor - Any gender/age/ethnicity
Alex - Any gender/age/ethnicity
Reese - Any gender/age/ethnicity
Taylor - Any gender/age/ethnicity
video chat, friendship, endings
(Out Of Box Theatre, GA - 2021)
(Smith & Kraus, NH - 2021)
(Out Of Box Theatre, GA - 2021)
(Smith & Kraus, NH - 2021)
“Oh! Wicked play. Wicked people. And such great fun for the audience. Love the twisty turn-around and the satirical look at what passes for friendship nowadays.”
(Claudia Haas)
(Claudia Haas)
“John Mabey writes such wonderful, natural dialogue. I can hear these characters so perfectly when I read. This short play about ending a friendship over Zoom is delicious. I especially loved the ridiculous monologue one character launches into about a painter in Italy in response to the question, "Do you not want to hang out with us anymore?" Horrible people, wonderful play."
(Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend)
(Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend)
“Well this is just wonderfully nasty fun, with a wonderfully nasty twist at the end which plays beautifully into contemporary ennui and paranoia. A perfect example of how to write a Zoom play with heft, rapidity, and wit.”
(Doug DeVita)
(Doug DeVita)
“I was grateful to see a Zoom performance of this play by Crossroads Theater Shed. A funny and cringeworthy look at the awkwardness of ending a friendship, particularly when technology is involved. Unexpected and delightful, and perfect for the current moment.”
(Elisabeth Giffin Speckman)
(Elisabeth Giffin Speckman)
“'The End Is Just the Beginning' captures not only the hilarious awkwardness of what may be the world's worst breakup of a friendship, but also a fear that resonates for all of us: that our tech may betray us and let others know what we really think and feel. Great roles for four actors, and brilliant use of the medium!”
(John Minigan)
(John Minigan)
“Since 2020, nearly everyone has experienced an uncomfortable Zoom mishap or a relationship that’s gone a bit askew. John Mabey blends both scenarios beautifully in a playful script packed with big laughs, awkward silences, and clever twists. Written for 4 actors of any gender, age, and ethnicity, THE END IS JUST THE BEGINNING is a computer-friendly can’t-miss comedy exploring the fun and frustrations of friendship in the modern age. Watch it with your friends… if you dare!”
(Ken Preuss)
(Ken Preuss)
“So often, characters who are bad liars can torpedo a play. There's no reason to believe them yet everyone seems to and it makes no sense. Fortunately, Mabey's characters aren't just bad liars... They're TERRIBLE!!! But once caught, the recovery effort is hilariously beautiful!!! It's rare to see someone jump through their own hoops with such verve in order to let others down easy... and still have it land like an anvil!
THE END... it's a heightened version of what many of us have thought in a Zoom call. Relentlessly funny with great characters and a great twist!”
(Scott Sickles)
THE END... it's a heightened version of what many of us have thought in a Zoom call. Relentlessly funny with great characters and a great twist!”
(Scott Sickles)
“JOHN MABEY has the perfect play for Zoom, the perfect play for ending a relationship, and the perfect play to make us laugh from beginning to end. Witty, wild, and wonderful, and sooooooo true. “The End Is Just The Beginning” was a joy to read, and I could definitely believe it might have actually happened. I would love to see this play performed.”
(Jack Levine)
(Jack Levine)
“John Mabey proves that you can't pick your family and apparently, your friends either. However, with the right amount of cash, family can do the job for you. Fast and funny, this short would be a hoot to sit back and watch the fireworks play out.”
(John Busser)
(John Busser)
“Breaking up has always been hard to do, but ending a friendship in the age of quarantine can be particularly tricky. Who would believe you have other plans? Mabey’s hilarious play is filled with laugh-out-loud humor and unexpected turns of events and the two couples can be cast with any gender mix, which provides for endless variations on a theme. Delightful.”
(Robert Weibezahl)
(Robert Weibezahl)
“Forced friendships rarely work, and these don't. And there was pay involved! A real treat for four actors. Reminds you to turn off your mic!”
(Marj O'Neill-Butler)
(Marj O'Neill-Butler)
“Saw this production as part of the Off-Stage/On-Line by Theatres Three and it was funny and so well done.”
(Lee R. Lawing)
(Lee R. Lawing)
“I saw a hilarious video production of this script by Theatre Three in Port Jefferson, New York. Laugh-out-loud funny, with a wonderful and expressive cast. The play can be done virtually but I'd love to see it on stage, too. Well done, John Mabey!”
(Martha Patterson)
(Martha Patterson)
“What's worse--dumping friends or being dumped by them? Mabey imagines a third scenario that may be even worse but provides plenty of humor. He exploits the awkwardness of virtual meeting platforms to build to a hilarious ending. Well-played!"
(Peter Dakutis)
(Peter Dakutis)
“This John Mabey work is simply delectable - wonderful #ModernLife ending.”
(Robyn Ginsburg Braverman)
(Robyn Ginsburg Braverman)
Crossroads Theater, Jerusalem Israel - 2021
Bell Road Barn Players, MO - 2020
Bell Road Barn Players, MO - 2020
Theatre Three, NYC - 2020

Bell Road Barn Players

Bell Road Barn Players

Theatre Three